It’s a service, oriented to the English Betfair Exchange. It shows capital flows in the main markets as percentage and as the financial component. As the Betfair is considered the worldwide Exchange, it’s very important to know the basic capital flows just according to the World community. Especially it applies to the championships and tournaments of concrete countries, because every citizen knows better the teams of his country, team’s membership and motivation.
Usually a lot depends on the specific flows of money in the markets, but amounts of bets are also very important. For example, 100 % with the amount of $ 150 is worse than 81 % with the amount of $ 18,442. You should clearly understand it and take into account when choosing an appropriate bet.
You also need to understand that the main flows of money are always going to the game’s favorite - it is mostly betted on the favorite’s win, but the favorite not always wins. Let's look at some examples of placing bets in the markets.

As you can see 100% of cash is going to the home win, but you should pay attention to the amounts. It’s a drop in the ocean. It’s the opinion of one player and not very definite. Such percentage by such amounts is better to reject.
Another example shows so-called liquid markets, in which there are very good amounts of money. And look at the results of such bets.

As we can see, a lot depends on the amounts of money, and they cannot be excluded.
To immediately identify these markets service is a special filter, which introduces a range of amounts that interest us. Thus typing range from 500 to 10 000 000 $ we delete all of the markets can be called illiquid.

As for the game for match’s total, there are also some preconditions when you should or not should come into the game.
Let’s apply to the example. On the example there was chosen high percentage for total more than 2.5 goals in the match of one game day.
As you can see, not all of them give a profit.
To improve rates, you need to sacrifice odd, but increase wins chances of bets. For convenience the percentage greater than 50% is highlighted in green. You should focus on it.
If the percentage for total is more than 2.5 (O2.5) and we highlight it in green, while the total is more than 1.5 (O1.5) and total is more than 0.5 (O0.5) and we also highlight it in green, play on the last highlighted in green total less one goal. Let's illustrate it by an example:

This example shows that total more than 0.5 and total for 1.5 are highlighted in green, but the total for 2.5 is not highlighted. It means that our game total is for more than 1.5. Excepting one goal you should play not on total more than 1.5 but on total more than 0.5.
But the next example is suitable for total more than 2.5 because all totals are highlighted in green.
But! Play on the total less one gall, do not take total more than 2.5 and play on total more than 1.5!
Of course, it’s all a purely personal decision, but in practice this method shows good results.
the service Radar has a new button "Strange bets" that shows an unusually large infusion of funds to the markets of football matches...

Pay attention not only on where you put this "strange bets", but on what amount of funds posted there...
We recommend to follow these старнным rates in excess of 1000$ on a bet.
With regard to the rates on the "Total", then take stock of 1 goal. That is, if "Strange bet" is placed on Total Over 2.5, play Total Over 1.5
Of course, it happens that the forecast shows a recommendation for one result, and eventually it happens to the contrary - but it is sport. And any service cannot guarantee you 100% success in your enterprise.
Regardless of the rules, using this service with analytics of other services, it will be reached a positive result.